Stoppages & Restrictions Listings

Notice: Towpath Talk and Mortons Media Group Ltd. is not responsible for any of the information held on this page. Please confirm any stoppages and restrictions with individual waterways prior to travelling.

For Canal & River Trust: You can find all notices at the url below:

Winter stoppages 2023-2024:

CRT Enquiries: 03030 404040 unless indicated otherwise

For River Thames:

For Anglian Waterways: please contact the Environment Agency on 03708 506506 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and ask for the Waterways team for the Lincolnshire & Northamptonshire area. Visit Anglian Waterways: boating, moorings, navigation notices

For Avon Navigation Trust:>>

For Bridgewater Canal Company:>>

Stoppages & Restrictions Listing

River Soar

Start date: December 21, 2023
Est. end if know: August 31, 2024
Stoppages & Restrictions

Under Bridge 12, Thurcaston Road Bridge

Update on 20/12/2023:

After a further review by our engineers, it has been decided that Thurcaston Road Bridge is to remain closed off with permanent fencing.

The closure is still in place as the sink hole is still there and needs our maintenance team to carry out the required repair works.

The towpath is still closed although we have been able to reduce the risk on the ground with the improved fencing.

Work is being planned in for next year, and we will update this notice by the end of August or as soon as we have further information.  We will continue to monitor the situation carefully. 

Birmingham & Warwick Junction Cnl

Start date: November 20, 2023
Est. end if know: March 1, 2025
Stoppages & Restrictions

Saltley, Birmingham
Starts At: Bridge 107, Gas Works
Ends At: River Rea Overflow Channel Aqueduct

RESTRICTION (8am Monday 20 November 2023 until 5pm Saturday 1 March 2025)

Contractors working on behalf of High Speed 2 Limited, are undertaking works to construct a new railway viaduct over the canal.  To undertake these works, the contractor has installed a temporary towpath through the works and boat movements will be reduced to one boat through the works at a time.

Towpath users are required to use the temporary towpath which is on a pontoon. Temporary traffic lights will be installed to control boats moving through the works area.

Short duration towpath closures may be required by the contractor between November 2023 and March 2025. Please pass through the area with care.

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